What are rate limits? Rate limits are the amount of calls you can make within a certain time span. Rate limits are specific to your plan:
- Free: 1 call / minute
- Basic: 1 call / second
- Pro: 10 calls / second
- Expert: 20 calls / second
Blocks & duration
TAAPI.IO’s rate limits are “elastic”, meaning that, it’s possible to exceed the limits to a certain extend. But if (when) you get blocked, the general rule is that you get a “fixed time” + “a variable time” based on the amount of exceeded calls, as block time.
The “fixed” block time periods are as follows:
- Free: 10 minutes
- Basic: 5 minutes
- Pro: 3 minutes
- Expert: 2 minutes
For instance. If you’re a free user, and you squeeze in 7 calls very fast, then you will be blocked:
blockTime = 10 minutes + 7 minutes = 17 minutes
The API will respond with a 429 status code, with the following response (as an example):
{ error:
{ message: '429: You have exceeded your request limit (TAAPI.IO rate-limit)!',
maxHitsAllowed: 1,
maxHitsTimeframe: '1m',
blockTime: '1020 seconds',
reason: 'Rate limits exceeded!' } }
The higher the plan you are on, the lower the variable block time is.
If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch!